A Perspective: Confessions of the Blacksmith Killer (Part 2)

I’ve been killing a long time. But I don’t just kill every now and again. I spoke before about months and years between killings – between my murders. But I’ve been killing almost non-stop since 2003. I actually take immense pride from it. I don’t rape my victims as much as I used to. I’m getting old. But I’ll keep killing till my heart gives out. No prison will ever stop me.

My latest kill was just yesterday. I kidnapped an eight year old girl. Pretty little thing. I gutted her till she croaked. Didn’t rape her though. I’ll do a lot of things that many would consider depraved. Anything but that. Even I have my limits. I find it funny that the family are still looking for her. I enjoy watching families of my victims from afar as they look for their lost loved ones. A person could get off on that alone if he was so inclined.

Why do I kill? Honestly, because it’s fun. There’s nothing quite like the casual taking of human life. To know that their life is yours to take and to make that choice. I Have actually travelled the world. Since 2003, I have been in more countries than most people will ever know. Burma, Brazil, New Zealand, Canada, the US, Germany, Turkey, Kenya, Hong Kong/China, Japan, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela and many others. My favourite country has to be South Africa. There isn’t country more suited to my level of violence in the world than that decrepit country. I love it so much I have a holiday home there, which I go to twice a year. Point is, I’ve killed in most countries I’ve been to. Almost killed in the US, but those pricks won’t give me a chance. Was in Colorado Springs in 1991 with the intent of making a few kills. I found the environment not to my liking. There for three days and got stopped by cops twice. Went to a bar on the third day and turned out it was a cop bar. I took it as a hint.

My favourite murder? 1995. A pregnant women who I kicked to death. I then did something I haven’t done before or since. I ripped out her kid and sent it to who I presumed to be the dad. You can never tell these days. Fair to say, I slept well that night when I got home. It was a few days later I picked up the guy I sent the kid to and killed him to. Even put him in the same spot as his girl. I left that shithole of a town laughing.

I don’t care who I kill. Everyone is open game. Some people stalk lions, I stalk people. Old and young. Rich and poor. Man and woman. Doesn’t matter to me, you all bleed the same. My only regret is that I won’t have the chance or time to kill all of you. Last Christmas, I literally ripped a guys heart out and later ate it. I actually try to do that every year. It my tradition. It’s only the heart and the thighs of a person before anyone gets any “Hannibal” ideas. I don’t actually eat people often. Rape, I used to do that all the time, and I obviously kill at least two people a week now. But eating is reserved for special occasions.

2005 marked a turning point. I was fired from a very lucrative job due to layoffs. I was angry, upset and dealing with not finding work. My job is very specific (not saying what it is) and finding work is difficult. It’s a lot easier now, but was difficult back then. I try not to make my killing personal. There’s way too much that can go wrong. But I was upset and so decided to take it out on my former boss, who also lost his job. I invited him and his very attractive wife over and poisoned the boss, but gave his wife a few sedatives. I raped her for several hours. She actually woke up about halfway through. I strangled her the morning after they came round. I raped her after her death and then disposed of both of them. Now I don’t care if I kill someone I know.

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