Skinwalker Stories #3

Story: I don’t have any family and am socially awkward, so every Christmas I stay at a a cabin I own just outside Robert Lee, Texas. I usually spend two weeks there every Christmas because I can’t stand all the festive bull that’s everywhere. Last year was no different. It’s important to note that I never had a coyote problem when staying at the cabin, though I was always faintly aware that they were around. But my Labrador usually alerts me if they come too close to the cabin. It doesn’t happen often as they tend to keep clear for the most part. Anyway, I was staying at the cabin and had been there for a few days. I’d been having trouble with work and looked forward top the time away from everything. Third night at the cabin and Turing started barking to go out. Thinking he needed to go to the toilet, I proceeded to let him out. After a brief few minutes, he came back whimpering, as if something scared him. If you know my dog, then you know that he isn’t the soft kind. He’s the sort of dog to try and scrap with the coyotes so this was unexpected and surprising. Stupidly, I stepped onto the cabin porch to see if there was anything outside. I didn’t see anything at first, until I realised there were two glowing eyes staring right at me. I just stood there trying to focus on what it was when it stepped out of the darkness into the light. It looked like a coyote, but it had what looked alike rotting skin. Then that smell hit me and I wanted to puke. My body seemed to move back automatically. I backed into the cabin and closed the door and locked it. I ended up closing the blinds on all the windows and turning most of the lights off. I would occasionally glance out the window to find the coyote still there. It remained there throughout the night.

The coyote disappeared during the day and I proceeded to forget about it. The day was normal, with me going into town to pick up a few supplies and otherwise relaxing with a few beers. Other than a few times when I felt I was being watched, it was just a normal day. It wasn’t until night came when the big incident happened. It happened late, I’d say around one in the morning. I was awoken by a scratching at my window. At first I was confused. There weren’t any trees close enough to be scratching my bedroom window, so I immediately thought something was wrong as I got up to investigate. I opened the curtains and proceeded to scream. On the other side was none other than the coyote but this time with a very human smile. I ran out of the room and grabbed my hunting rifle from the gun cabinet. After checking it was loaded, I looked out of the door window to find several coyotes with the same rotting skin as the one from the previous night. I heard the bedroom glass break and ran over to shoot the thing that had come in, but instead found a rock had smashed instead. That didn’t make sense. Since when did coyotes start throwing rocks? That’s when I heard it. The laughing. The coyotes were all laughing at me. The rest of the night went in much the same way. They would throw some rocks, I would fire a few shots and they would laugh at me. As soon as the morning came they left, almost as if they weren’t here at all. I left as soon as it was clear and I haven’t been back since. I sold the cabin a few months ago and have plans to spend this Christmas with the family of my Girlfriend. I don’t think I will ever forget that laughing.

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