Skinwalker Stories #4

Story #1: Before I tell my story, I need to tell you about the town I lived in at the time. This was about 20 years ago now and at the time there was this whole thing about people disappearing. Strangest thing was, it happened during the day. That and people had started to disappear from their homes as well. I was only sixteen at the time and was young, dumb and a little unaware of what was going on. I was at home one October day waiting for my parents to get back with my sister (Parent Teacher thing) when I heard the door knocking. Now, I wasn’t a stupid child. I knew better than to open the door to strangers, so imagine my surprise when I saw that my mother was on the other side of the door. I was about to open the door when she spoke. The voice sounded like my mother, but also sounded wrong. I don’t know how, but it felt off. That’s when the smell hit me. Like rotten eggs mixed with necrotic flesh. I ended up throwing up right there. She said “open the door dearie. Don’t keep me waiting,” in a soothing voice, or what was supposed to be soothing. She knocked on the door again and I stepped back, not entirely sure what was going on. I tried to call out, to speak, but I couldn’t form any word. Instead I found myself wanting to walk over and open the door. Before i could, however, a pair of headlights blinded me through the glass that separated me from the mother-imitation that was looking at me. I woke up the next morning with no memory of what happened. I only know now because my parents told me everything. I apparently told them everything before blanking out. They never saw the thing standing out by the front door, just me standing and looking at it….

Story #2: Just a short one. My Grandfather was a Native American witch doctor who told me about skinwalkers. As you may expect, he almost never talked about skinwalkers, and he never actually called them by their name, but he taught me everything he knew. I’m a witch doctor now and I specialise in dealing with skinwalkers. But tonight is different. There are several of them waiting outside for me. Have been for several days. I won’t be making it out alive. It will be a miracle if I do, but I’ll certainly repost if that happens. I’ll wait till daylight when they’re at their weakest and then I’ll go on the offensive. Wish me luck.

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