Skinwalker Stories #5

Story: This happened about five years back, when I was out camping with my girlfriend. We were staying at this campsite that was a popular hotspot for love-struck teens, but were lucky enough to have the campsite to ourselves for the most part. We spent the first two days hiking through the woods, something we enjoy doing to this day. At first, we didn’t have any problems and all was well. But the second day was when all the problems started. Our plan was to hike in the morning and then return to the tents for lunch. When we did, we found that our tent had been collapsed and all of our stuff had been thrown all over the place. It was a mess. Normally, I’d assume a bear or something was responsible for the mess, but there aren’t any bears in the area and coyotes tend to stay away from anything to do with people. We spent a few hours cleaning the mess up, with an eerie sensation of being watched hanging over us. That feeling stayed through the day. Now, the rest of the day ended up being pretty boring, so I won’t bore you with the details. But that night ended up being the worst night of my life. I woke up about 1 a.m. to find my girlfriend missing and the tent wide open. I quickly went out to see her and saw the fire burning, but my girlfriend was no where to be seen. That’s when I started to hear her voice. It was coming from the forest and she was telling me to come help her. I hesitated. It… sounded liker her, but something felt off. The voice seemed to drift off and I stood there as growling replaced the once familiar voice. I wanted to run away but I wanted to find out where she went. I knew what I had to do, I had to go after her. I don’t remember what happened after I decided to find my girlfriend. I woke up in a mental institute with no memory of what happened, but they informed me that they found her mutilated body not far from the camp. I had been found next to her weeping and crying and muttering something. I get out tomorrow, despite pleas from her family. Can’t say I blame them.

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