Skinwalker Stories #6

Story #1: I have one personal experience, from 8 years ago I use to live on the Navajo reservation the town was called Shipprock. I was living with a girl I met in boarding school high school for native Americans, the night it Happen we had decided to end the relationship and it was going to be my last night there before I went back to my reservation (she was Navajo from New Mexico and I’m Apache from Arizona). That night I was in the living room around 11 pm watching TV. There was 3 of us there my ex, her dad and I, her mom was at the casino that night. I was on the couch flipping through channels when it happened I heard 2 ladies outside talking Navajo to each other so I assumed my ex girlfriends mom was home, 20 Mins had passed and she hadn’t come inside the yet so I went to ex’s room and asked her if mom needed help. She told me Her mom was still at the casino, I told her that’s not right because there were a couple of ladies outside talking to each other. I got up went up and turned on the patio light and went outside. The talking stopped and 2 coyotes ran from underneath the truck. Her dad woke up and told me it was probably skinwalkers. – Account submission from Jane Doe

Images and Video:

The above images apparently show a skinwalker. I have several issues with these two images. First is the pixellation: particularly on the second image, the pixellation of the “skinwalker” is clearly different to the pixellation of the rest of the images. Second, while these images were on Imgur, I cannot confirm who originally took the images. All I know is that they came of Google Maps. Highly suspicious.

The video above again shows a “skinwalker”, but once again I cannot rule out a hoax. The sounds could be anything, with the most likely suspect being coyote sounds of one sort or another. As for the “skinwalker” itself, it doesn’t even look like one. It actually looks like someone hunched over while wearing a yeti costume. Did they even try with this one?

This one is far more interesting. A YouTuber who goes by BigDill films a skinwalker screaming in the distance. I don’t know of any other creature, known or unknown, that screams in quite the same way as a skinwalker. And on the surface at least, the video seems to be credible. But who knows. Could be anything.

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