Skinwalker Stories #8

Story 1: I never believed in skinwalkers until June of last year, when I had my own horrifying encounter. I was in Dallas, Texas visiting my ill grandfather shortly before his passing. Now, nothing odd happened when I was at the hospital but every time I was staying at his home (my grandfather spent his last few weeks in a hospice and my grandmother had passed away years prior) to help maintain it and the finances. For the first two weeks, I would wake up at about three in the morning to hear my grandmothers voice at the backdoor asking to be let in. I knew it couldn’t be her since I was at the funeral. Every time I heard the voice I would look outside the back door and see a deer standing on it’s hind legs on the edge of the property. It never got any closer though and would flee every time it spotted me. Shortly before my grandfather passed away, he made mention of the skinwalker. He asked if she had returned or if I had let her in. I said yes and then no, to which my grandfather smiled. He said to never let it in if I wanted to live. I didn’t understand then but I do now.

Story 2: I used to hunt skinwalkers a long time ago. I’m of Navajo descent, though that doesn’t really matter. I don’t follow their customs so I don’t know how they handle skinwalkers if they do at all. I started in the late 1970s as a teenager. My father trained me for years before retiring. Last year he passed away. Skinwalkers are near impossible to kill and most people won’t even be able to hurt them let alone kill them. Its long and complicated and even outright dangerous if someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing tries to hunt a skinwalker, so I won’t put anyone in danger by explaining how here. But skinwalkers are dangerous and will absolutely pretend to be people you know and trust to get away from you or find an opportunity to kill you. It is important to note though that the skinwalkers everybody sees are young skinwalkers that have just left their “nest”. They haven’t yet perfected the mimicry that most people attribute to the skinwalker. You never know an adult skinwalker, as they can blend in perfectly. Only other skinwalkers can tell the difference, which is how I can hunt them. This year my son will take his place as a skinwalker hunter and it will be my turn to retire. It will be well earnt.

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