Bigfoot Stories #1

Story 1 (Anonymous): I live in British Columbia and hunt for a living. That’s to say, I hunt animals for their meat and pelts and then sell them to clients I’ve built up over the years. I don’t make a lot of money but that’s okay because I live as cheaply as possible anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. This happened three years ago. At the time I was still living in a cabin by myself since I sometimes hunt certain animals when I’m not supposed to. It ain’t legal but it beats starving to death. I only mention this because I was and still am used to hunting bears, which were common in the area I lived. Normally I’d deal with Blacks and Grizzly Bears, which suited me as a few of my clients payed a high price for their pelts. But there was a six month period in 2017 where I didn’t see a single (Black or Grizzly) bear. What made it even weirder is that I didn’t see any bear sign at all either. This was in late spring to late summer when bears are at their most active, so not seeing them was strange. What I did see were human footprints. It wasn’t weird for people to walk through the forest near to my cabin as there was a lake near by that was well known by some of the locals in the nearby town. What was weird that the tracks never went near the lake or any of the paths people often took to get there. They would always be in the out of the way sort of places where I would only go to hunt, and would often parallel the game trails a lot of animals took. The fact that bare footprints were found on trials that were near impossible to traverse, even for me and my reliable hiking boot, scared me a little. Now I never saw anyone, at least not at first. That scared me even more because I didn’t know if some raving lunatic would come out of nowhere and attack me. Eventually I started hearing strange noises. I’ve lived out in the wild my whole life. My pa was a hunter as was his pa before him. I’ve never heard anything that before or since. It sounded like someone moaning off in the distance, but it was a deep moan that ended somehow high pitched. I heard that same terrible, sickening moan several times before it all started going downhill. Two months before I left the area,I began getting attacked during my hunting trips. Stones would get thrown at me. Not little stones mind you but football sized rocks. Then small logs would get thrown, trees fell out of no where. The final straw came when I was sleeping in my cabin. It happened late at night when I was suddenly awoken by the same terrifying moan-scream I’d been hearing for months. Then rocks and logs started getting thrown, some even shattering the two windows I had. Whoever, or whatever, it was then started punching the sides of my cabin. I never saw it in detail, just the massive outline when it passed by the window. It all stopped by morning thankfully and I got the hell out of there. I haven’t been back since.

Story 2 (Anonymous): I’ve been a huge Bigfoot nerd since I was a kid. It was all I ever talked about and all I wanted to do with my life was be the first to discover him properly. But I eventually grew out of it all as I got older. I moved away from my hometown in Ohio to the Congo to study Common Chimpanzees after graduating from University and I rarely visit home anymore. Last Christmas I made the decision to return home for a month to spend with my family. At that point I hadn’t seen them in nearly a year so it was the right call. My parents don’t live anywhere close to remote. In fact, they still live in the same house they bought over forty years ago. My sister and her husband on the other hand live out on a farm just outside of town. Growing up I never would have taken her as a farmer but then people change you know. Anyhow, I was up staying at her place for a week so I could spend time with her and the kids when it happened. The farmhouse has security lights like most do and every night they would come on at odd hours of the night. This would normally hap[pen between 1AM and 4AM when everyone was still asleep. I wasn’t sleeping well because of the jet-lag and because the bed I was sleeping in was a little too comfortable. On the third day of my stay there I asked my sister about it and she just laughed it off as some wild animal setting the lights off. My last night there I decided to find out why the lights kept coming on so I waited until they came on. This was around two in the morning so it was only me awake. I walked to the front door where the lights had lit up, opened it and saw what only can be described as a bigfoot. I only saw it for a few seconds before it fled into the tall cornfields my sister owned. I never asked her about it and I’ve never told anyone. Perhaps she knew but then maybe she didn’t.

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