Skinwalker Stories #12

Story 1: I was out camping with some friends when it all happened. We were up north from New York near a place known for some famous disappearances a decade ago, which was awesome because we were all super into that stuff. Anyway, it was our third night camping out when one of our friends just went missing. Now it’s important to note that Jane wasn’t one to just get up and walk off. For starters she was terrified of the dark, so she naturally stayed close to the camp fire. Secondly, nobody noticed her leave. There were six of us, myself included, and we all decided to stay in pairs in case we got separated for whatever reason. Jane was supposed to stick with me since we were kind of in to each other, but I didn’t see her leave at all. We searched for her and kept hearing her cal our names, but every time we got close to where we heard her, she’d call to us from deeper into the forest. What was strange was that one of us would hear her but the rest couldn’t. Like she would speak to me trying to get me to move one direction, but then she’d tell one of the others to walk the complete opposite direction. It was confusing and terrifying, as we didn’t know what was going on. Then we saw her. Jane was standing in front of us, her skin a pale grey and her eyes a jet black. It wasn’t Jane, but it looked like her. Whatever it was, it charged at us as soon as it spotted us, causing us all to flee. Me and three of the others managed to get away but one of our friends, Billy, wasn’t so lucky. The rangers found their bodies a week later all torn up. It was officially ruled as bear, and some people blame us, but I know it was a Skinwalker.

Story 2: I used to live in the Rocky mountains as a kid with my Dad. He was a Bushcraft Teacher who helped train people to survive in the Rocky Mountains and would often take me on camping trips. When I was eight, my dad took me on one particular camping trip that I remember strongly to this day. Now it’s important to note that we used to hunt for food on the many camping trips we took together. This time was no different and the first thing me and my dad did was begin tracking a deer. We managed to catch up with a small group of maybe five or six deer at a clearing when I heard my dad say “watch the deer”. But he didn’t say that. Instead my dad raised his rifle not at the group of deer but at another deer that had just entered the clearing. But it wasn’t a deer. It was walking on two legs and it face looked like my dads’ face but twisted and misshapen. I tried to scream but no sound came out. My dad fired three shots at the thing before dragging me away from it. We ran harder and faster than I ever remember running straight to the truck my dad drove us here in. We didn’t even return to the camp we’d set up. Later my dad did end up returning to the camp site to find someone or something had been rummaging through it. He hasn’t spoken about it since and neither of us as been to that part of the mountains since.

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