Skinwalker Stories #13

Story 1: This happened not long ago, so its still pretty fresh in my mind. Due to the pandemic, I decided to hunt for my meat rather than go to somewhere like Walmart for obvious reasons. If nothing else, I at least know where my meat came from. Anyway, a few weeks ago I was tracking some deer along a large stream when I began smelling a foul odour in the air. At first I ignored it and moved on. It wasn’t exactly rare to accidentally come across a dead animal. But it started to become an issue after I began tracking a small group of four deer. Now, I’ve been around coyotes, wolves and bears. They don’t always smell the best and sometimes they smell real bad. I started to panic because I was concerned I was being stalked by a predator, which almost never ends well, and I was considering turning back and getting out of there when I came face to face with it. I don’t what it was but it was tall and was a sickly grey. It looked like a deer, but it was standing on its hind legs and its head was as much human as it was deer. It had blood dripping from its mouth and it looked as though it was trying to talk to – or at – me, but no sound ever came out. The most disturbing thing however was that was carrying a dead coyote in its arms. I just stood there terrified as it finally spoke to me. “You shouldn’t be here,” it said to me, before running off into the forest. It’s been three weeks and I haven’t been back there since.

Story 2: I saw a Skinwalker once. It was a long time ago now though I remember it as clearly as if it has just happened. I was a pizza boy back when I was still in college so I could earn some money when I had to take a delivery out to an old farmhouse. The farmhouse was well known as they ordered pizza almost every night. Two large pepperoni pizzas and a bottle of coke was their usual order. I remember because I was one of only two delivery drivers who were willing to go out that far. My last night as a delivery driver, we got the normal call from them, so I grabbed their order and drove out to the farmhouse. Normally, I’d walk up to the front door and give them their order. But this time I pulled up to see the husband standing out front, waiting for me. This wasn’t normal, especially since it was raining heavily that night. I pulled up and rolled down my window. Before I could speak up however, he grabbed me and attempted to pull me out of the car. It’s at that point I noticed that mouth, the teeth and the eyes. I only got a brief glimpse but it was enough to scar me for life. I managed to break free from him and pull away, but he managed to run alongside my car as I started going faster. Eventually he stopped trying to chase me as I sped up past the speed limit. Later it turned out the couple at the farmhouse were brutally murdered two days before I made the delivery. I later asked my Granddad, who’s familiar with the Navajo, and he told me it was most likely a Skinwalker before laughing. Thinking back, his laugh was a more nervous laugh than one intended as a joke. I don’t know if that was Skinwalker, but I’m lucky to be alive.

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