Bigfoot Stories #1

Story 1:

I work for the Bigfoot Hunting Organization which is not too dissimilar to the BFRO, but instead of being a group of pussies who think they know what they’re doing, unlike the BHO which is made up of hunters, primatologists and anthropologists. I’m a hunter and spend most of my time hunting boar down in Texas as my day job (there’s a huge population problem throughout the state) but I also lead a team of two primatologists and another hunter. We meet up once a month and go on a week long hunt at a specific location in Washington State known for its frequent Bigfoot sightings. In the three years we’ve been doing this, we have seen a number of different Bigfoot individuals multiple times, managing to grab photos and even some video. We’re still trying to gather evidence and the only thing we need now is a body or even a living specimen. Next month we’re going on a six week hunt where we hope to get just that, hopefully sooner rather than later. Wish us luck!

Story 2:

I was hiking in Florida a few years ago (2012 I think) when I had my first encounter with Bigfoot. For those of you who don’t know, Florida has a lot of marshy swamps (and the people to prove it) many of which are protected inside national parks. North to the small town I grew up in, there is a rather large swamp that connects with a few of the other swamps in the north part of the state. The swamp has a ridge running through it that is a very popular hiking trail among everyone in town. Back when I still lived in town, I would spend pretty much every Sunday hiking along that trail even if the weather was bad. The Sunday of my encounter, the weather itself was bad. This matters because it had been raining the night before and as a result there was a thick and heavy fog the morning of my hike. Now I’ll admit it wasn’t the best idea to hike through a swamp in heavy fog, but I really didn’t care at the time and went out anyway. It was around 9:30 in the morning when I made it to the top of the ridge. The fog was still pretty heavy so I couldn’t really see all that far. I was about to turn around when I heard a guttural scream come from in front of me. I’d never heard anything like it before but it shook me to my core. I started backing off slowly away from the sound when I thought I could see a figure in the fog. At first I was relieved to have another person up here with me and I was about to approach them to ask if they heard the sound. That’s when I heard it again, but this time it was coming from the figure in front of me! I again started backing off slowly when it started running towards me. I ran and kept running away until I tripped and slid down the ridge into the swamp. I quickly managed to stand and continued to run away from the figure. I managed to get to a nearby gas station where I realized I had broken my foot. A few days later after I left the hospital one of the police came up to me and said they’d found large footprints where I had my encounter. I can’t be sure if it was actually Bigfoot, but honestly who else would be out there like that? I’ve since moved to Ohio where I’ve actually had several more encounters, but maybe I’ll share them at a later date if people are interested.

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