Skinwalker Stories #30

Story 1:

I fought a Skinwalker and somehow survived. This happened ten years ago when I was staying with my then girlfriend out in Texas. We were staying at this farmhouse owned by her father, hoping to get it back in shape after years of being left to the elements. It began stalking us almost as soon as we arrived in that it took the form of a coyote and began following us everywhere whenever we left the farmhouse. If I went to the old barn, it was there. If my girlfriend went to the old well and pump, it’d follow her too. We didn’t think much of it, assuming it was just a normal coyote that was overly friendly. I should have shot it while I had the chance. Three nights in and shit hit the fan hard. We were about to hunker down for the night when this weird sickening scream move through the house and into the bedroom we were staying in. It was almost unnatural in the way it moved, like the very sound itself had a mind of its own. Then we heard a knocking at the front door and a thin raspy voice spoke out: “Oh you poor dears, I hope I didn’t scare you. Let me in and I can apologize properly.” It wasn’t a natural voice. It… sounded like one of those old voice recorders where it’s obvious it’s not a human speaking. My girlfriend wanted to go see who it was, not wanting to believe it couldn’t be anything other than a human. I stopped her and told her that whatever that thing was clearly wasn’t human. I mean, that scream followed by that unnatural voice? Something was outside wanting in. She just looked at me with this face as she realized what I meant by it. “Oh please do hurry up dears, it’s awfully cold out here.” It was the same voice and my girlfriend immediately recognized it. “That’s my grandmother,” she told me, “But… she died years ago!” We both started to panic when whatever it was started banging on the front door to the house. It was loud enough that it seemed to be coming from the bedroom door, let alone the other side of the building. Then another ear piercing scream shot through the house followed by more pounding on the outer walls and doors. We started to panic as we didn’t know what to do. I thought about calling the police, but realized there wasn’t any reception this far out and there weren’t any landlines installed either. Running to the car wasn’t an option – we still didn’t know what that thing was and I didn’t want to find out if we could outrun it. Then we heard a window smash in one of the rooms below followed by yet another blood-curdling scream. It was inside! I don’t know why I did this, but I forced my girlfriend to hide under the bed before running out of the room and down the stairs. Sure enough, one of the kitchen windows had been smashed in as if someone or something was attempting to get through it. Below the smashed window was some table salt that had spilled over. It had clearly tried to get in, but I couldn’t see it anywhere. It was only then did I see it outside the window, looking back at me. It was tall enough that it had to bend down to look through the window back at me, where it looked at me with the eyes that glowed a deep red. It smiled at me, showing its razor sharp teeth, before speaking, “oh dearie me, I seemed to have made a mess. Be a dear and let me in so I can clean it up for you.” I just froze in that spot, scared out of my mind at this thing I was staring at. I just stood there as it tried to make another attempt at climbing through the window, but stopped as it noticed the spilled salt blocking its way. I don’t really know why, but something in me put two and two together and I ran towards it, grabbed the container of salt and started throwing salt at the monster in front of me. It screamed as the salt hit it and ran off into the darkness. Its screaming snapped me out of it and I immediately ran back upstairs to make sure my girlfriend was okay. We spent the rest of the night locked inside the bedroom, praying it would never come back. We still have the farm, but have never gone back. Neither of us want to talk about it, but I just can’t get that night out of my head. I am never going to forget what happened.

Story 2:

There was a story I heard years back when I was still a kid. For the record, I grew up in a small town in Ohio where weird shit like this tends to be the norm, though growing up no one really thought much of it. It started when a family who owned a ranch just outside of town suddenly sold the property and moved away, which itself was odd since there didn’t really seem to be any reason for the sudden change. The new owners moved in and about a week later disappeared without a trace, leaving the property abandoned. This all happened when I was too young to actually remember any of it, though obviously everybody knew about the property and the rumours of Skinwalkers driving the old owners out on top of being the cause of the new owners disappearing. No one actually believed it until a few years ago, when a bunch of high school kids decided to stay the night at the property. Apparently, they thought it a good idea to stay in the barn, despite or perhaps because of all the more recent rumours of people going missing on or near the property. They didn’t disappear… at first. They returned to school over the next few days, but acted weird. It was like they weren’t even the same people. A few kids disappeared before this specific group decided they wanted to return to the property. They never came back. These being high school kids, a search and rescue op was sent out to look for them. The weird thing was, many of those sent out to look for them thought they could hear them or see them for brief moments whenever they searched in or near the property. They eventually did find all the kids that went missing, but unfortunately they had all been killed in what looked like a wild animal attack. To this day it’s widely regarded as a confirmed Skinwalker attack by most everyone, myself included. I mean, it sue as hell fits with the legends surrounding the Skinwalkers.

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