The Diary of 1987

June 4th 1987

Finally free of my ex-wife. Guy did the deed three days ago and is all paid up. And I’m out here in my cabin in the middle of nowhere without a care in the world. About damn time someone took care of her.

June 8th 1987

I don’t know how they found out but somehow the cops think I murdered Sarah. Technically, someone else killed her for me, but they don’t need to know that. I’ve had to return to my cabin to pick up a few pieces before I go back and deal with the situation. They can’t link her death back to me and they won’t. I got the perfect alibi and no trace between me and the hit.

June 12th 1987

The case apparently hit a dead end. They can’t link me back to her murder and they’re out of suspects. Don’t know where the hitman went. Probably back to wherever he came from, not like I care. So long as he keeps his mouth shut I’m a free man.

July 1st 1987

I’m back at the cabin. Bastard talked and now I’m in fucking trouble because of it. If I go back home they’ll just arrest me. If I run they’ll find me. But they don’t know about the cabin. I hiked here from that dump of a town some 60 miles back. Took a few days but I can’t risk using the seaplane and leaving a record. That’s how they find you.

July 2nd 1987

I could swear I’m being watched. Have those damn feds found me?

July 4th 1987

Not so happy Independence Day. I’ve spent the whole night trying to sort out the generator. Someone stuck an old knife into the oil tank. Don’t know if it was meant to explode or not, but I’m lucky it didn’t. I’m relying on only the two solar panels now. Should be enough though. I still feel like I’m being watched.

July 5th 1987

There’s something out there. I’ve seen glimpses of it, like a bear on its hind legs. I must be going crazy. Maybe it’s a trick. Yeah, my mind is playing tricks on me. Making me see things that aren’t there. I’ll be fine in a few days.

July 8th 1987

I saw it again. Just a glimpse of black on the other side of the field. I think it was a bear, but I couldn’t tell how it was walking. Is it following me? I need a gun.

July 20th 1987

Had to go back in town and steal myself some guns. The police haven’t found me yet, which is good. But I was followed. That thing, that bear. I know it’s after me. And it walks on two feet. I don’t know how or why, but it followed me all the way to town and back. It’s been watching me this whole time. But it hasn’t attacked, just left me alone. That’s fine with me. It just needs to stay out of my way and there’ll be no issues.

July 23rd 1987

It came for me. It’s outside right now. I can hear it walking around, waiting for me to sleep. I had to shoot it, hit it a few times with the rifle. That sound, oh God that sound will be with me. I’m going to try and make a run for it in the morning. Get back to town.

July 24th 1987

Got another 40 or so miles to go. Left the moment I was able to see the sun. I don’t know where it is, but it can’t be far away.

Date Unknown

I’m lost, I don’t know where I am. It came back for me and chased me down into a cave system. I was just small enough to squeeze through the crack. It was too big. I found my way out, but now I don’t know where I am. I’m going to keep heading south, hit a road and maybe find my way from there.

Date Unknown

I… I’m not going to make it back. My leg’s broken. Pretty sure a few of my ribs are broken too. Used the last of the ammo to keep it away. It’s watching me right now. By the stream, maybe 40 feet away. Won’t take long. One bullet left. I’ll meet that bitch in hell. At least the cops didn’t get me.

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