Skinwalkers Vol 2, Chapter Three

This story takes place in 1987, back when me and my family lived in a small town in Nevada. I was only ten at the time, old enough to be smart enough to think of all the dumb things a kid to do and stupid enough to at least attempt many of those dumb ideas I ended up getting. We lived in a good neighbourhood though and everyone knew I liked to get into trouble, so a few of the more elderly neighbours often times offered to keep an eye on me when my parents weren’t around. I believe this is what ended up saving my life back in March of that year when I encountered a monster for the first and only time in my life.

My parents had just left to pick up a few late night items from a nearby convenience store and a few films from the video rental store just down the road (I miss renting from video stores) for us to watch over the weekend and had left me home alone for the time being. I might have been stupid, but they trusted me enough to not do anything that could put me in danger and go to one of the neighbours should anything happen while they were gone. I had chosen to stay inside and play on my NES while they were gone, a rare case where I didn’t get a golden idea to cause any trouble.

My parents had barely been gone ten minutes when I heard someone knocking the door. Now, I may have been an incredibly stupid kid by my own admission, but I wasn’t so stupid as to answer the door while I was home alone. I was, however, stupid enough to look out the window next to the door to see who was there. To my surprise I didn’t actually see anyone, so I went back to playing on my NES. The door knocked again as soon as I sat back down, this time I ignored it. I knew some of the other kids that lived in the same street as me liked to play pranks on other people, so I assumed it was one of them. The person knocking on the door kept going for a few minutes before leaving and I thought that would be the end of it.

Then I got a phone call from Mrs Kingsley, one of the elderly folk who lived next door to me and my parents. She was nice, I liked her. A lot of people did. She wanted to know if I could come over while my parents were out. That wasn’t like her and I asked if something was wrong. She didn’t immediately respond but then claimed she was lonely and thought I might be able to come over while my parents were out. Looking back now I should have guessed that something was wrong, but back then I didn’t know any better, so I agreed to go over and spend some time with her. I was about to leave through the front door when I noticed someone standing on the other side (the door had a glazed window installed). Rather than open it, I went to the little window next to the door I had used earlier to look out. I was surprised to find Mrs Kingsley waiting outside my front door, which was odd as I had literally just put down the phone after she called me. There was no way she could be that fast, not at her age. I thought about opening the door, but as I did Mrs Kingsley looked straight at me and gave me a smile I’ll never forget. She looked straight at me with these cold, dead eyes and gave me the single most horrifying smile I have ever seen. In that moment I knew I wasn’t looking at my elderly neighbour, I was looking at the closest I’ll ever get to pure evil.

Then she tried to talk to me, except I couldn’t hear her. I doubt it would have mattered since her mouth moved unnaturally. It wasn’t like she was actually talking, more like she was pretending to talk or trying to learn how to. I was scared, but it got worse when I realized she didn’t have normal teeth. Instead of human teeth it looked as if she had the same teeth as a dog, at least that’s what it looked like to me. I wanted to scream, to call for help but couldn’t. I was frozen in fear and unable to move. I knew what it wanted without it having to make a sound. It wanted me to open the door and let it in, but I couldn’t. I knew I would be safe so long as the door remained shut and locked (for once I was thankful my parents locked the front door whenever they left the house). It continued to move like it was talking to me. I don’t know how long we both just stood there, but eventually I saw the headlights from the car my parents had at the time coming down the road. It must have spotted the light as well as it moved away and back towards the house where Mrs Kingsley lived and disappeared out of view.

My dad mentioned seeing Mrs Kingsley standing outside the front door window as he came in through the door and asked me about why she was standing there. I didn’t know how to explain to him that I saw a monster and just told him she’s been acting weird all night. He promised to go check up on her. He went to her house and tried to talk to her but she didn’t answer the door, then he came back, probably just writing it off as a weird incident. We spent the rest of the night watching a film before I went to bed.

The following morning I found out that my Dad had gone back over to try and check in on Mrs Kingsley again after I went to bed. He ended up using the spare key she’d given him in case of any emergencies to get in. He found her dead on the kitchen floor. From what I learnt later on when I was much older, she had been attacked a few hours before I had the encounter with the monster. Somehow that still terrifies me more than the actual encounter. Whatever it was, it must have killed her before trying to come after me. As for my parents, well we’ve never actually talked about it. We all know we saw Mrs Kingsley, even though she would’ve been dead at the time. And yet we did see her. To this day I still don’t have an explanation and I don’t want one either. I’m just glad I never saw that thing again, whatever it was.

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