Fan Fiction:Horizon Zero Dawn: Saving Time #1 The Old World Blues

It didn’t catch me off guard. The Faro Plague. In a sick way I always knew it was coming. I have no problem with machines that can sort through organic waste and use it as fuel. But when you use that system in a war machine then you have a loaded gun waiting to be fired. Now the world is tearing itself apart and all I can do is watch in silent horror as all my dreams for the future die with it. Hopes for a family, a legacy and even a chance to see the stars. All of it gone because some asshole at the top wanted to make a quick buck. Thing is, if this happened just twenty years ago, we might have been able to stop it. It’s not the Scarabs or even the dreaded Kopesh that is the problem. Bring enough firepower down and they fall, or so the reports tell me anyhow. The Horus units. What asshole thought they were a good idea. I’ve heard rumours of them being destroyed in some places. Never believed it though. We have no air force. What infantry and heavy armour we could muster is inexperienced and ineffective. the fact that fighting is still going on outside surprises me.But still, no airforce means the Horus will always beat us to the curb. Always.

I walked into the interview for the project. It was a large room with a dozen other people in there. Some were crying, others were silent. One got into a fight with security and was escorted away. I was silent. I had no words. How could I after finding out that the world had been murdered. I sat down in front of this cute Indian girl. Siri I think her name was. I tried to focus on that singular positive. “How are you feeling Doctor,” she asked me. I took moment to respond. “Just answer me this: Is Sobeck in charge?” She just looked at me before saying, “Yes, she is. She’s been given complete control over Zero Dawn.” A glimmer of unexpected hope must have appeared within my eyes. “Are you…. okay?” I’m guessing she wasn’t expecting me to smile. I knew what I needed to do. “Absolutely. I would like to help as much as I can,” I almost sang in a gleeful manner. This really did catch her off guard. “Uhhh, okay. Let me just get your medical file up. I need to make you aware that you’re not allowed children during, or after, the project is finished,” she began to explain. I simply interrupted her with, “I’m guessing there’s a place for all us researchers to go then?” She looked at me. “Yes. Elysium is where we’ll end up. I’m sure you understand that sterilisation is necessary? Due to the limited resources we can’t have children after going into Elysium or continuing with the project…. um. That’s odd. Your medical file says you had elective surgery late last year? is that correct?” Bingo. There was about two hours between the announcement on the news and the Men in Black picking me up. Let’s just say Travis taught me well. “Yes, that’s correct. It was part of my decision to focus entirely on my career. I guess it was for the best.” I could barely hide my optimism for the future. Poor girl must of thought I was insane. “I’m going to recommend a psych evaluation. Then you can get to work.”

Two security members came to escort me, supposedly for a psych evaluation. Before they could, I spotted Daniel, my old university friend. We hadn’t spoken in over a year at this point, so I was excited to talk to him once more. I shouted him over. “Hey Daniel! Over here!” He came over with a sullen look. Couldn’t blame him really. “Hey, you’re here too? That news was harsh,” he gloomed and doomed. During the interview, we were given three options. Lockup, assisted suicide or work on the project. I chose that third option, as did Daniel. Apparently he was working on a form of cold fusion batteries, but somehow they wanted him to work on the fusion reactors to power everything. “What do they want with you,” he asked. “Cooling systems. I’m an expert in cryonics, so there’s that too,” I replied. i could tell he was tired. Everybody looked tired, but how else would they look? After a very brief discussion, we both went to where we needed to go.

A month later and I was working under Patrick Brochard-Klien. I can’t believe how easy the work was. You have any idea how far we managed to get in regards to freezing zygotes? The problem was keeping them viable over centuries. As I said, the work was easy. Regardless, I worked on my own plan. The world was ending, but I would not die with it. If we could keep zygotes viable over centuries, what’s to stop us from doing the same with people? So I worked and worked. One day, I got visited by Aunt Liz (Yes, privately, I still called her that), and she wasn’t looking too good. “Hey Aunt,” I said excitedly. She looked at me with that look. Stress had overtaken her life. “I see you’re adapting well. How are you taking the news,” she asked me. What could I say. “As well as anyone. Mind you, I haven’t given it that much thought,” I said, not wanting to set her off. Sobeck loved life, as much if not more than anything. “If I’m honest, I’ve been too busy working to give it any thought. Mind you, I could’ve done without the piss poor coffee.” My lame attempt at a joke got her to crack a smile. “I hear you’ve been working on a secret project in secret. want to fill me in on that,” Sobeck asked me in that stern tone. Of course she was keeping check on me. “Well, I thought long on hard on my fathers research,” I started to explain,” What if we could use it to send some one into the future, to ensure the success of Zero Dawn.” Sobeck thought for a moment. “You know we don’t have the time or resources for this right,” she softened her voice for this. My father spent his life working towards trying to work out cryonics. “I know. That’s why I’m only doing it in my spare time. I know as well as anyone Zero Dawn comes first.” She thought for a moment. “I’m pulling you from the Zero Dawn project. If this research pans out, maybe we could use it.” Sobeck seemed hesitant, almost as if she’s hiding something. I perked up to this and asked, “there’s something wrong isn’t there? There’s no reason for this if there wasn’t.” Sobeck suddenly became more serious than usual. “Faro has perhaps too much regret. He’s been up to something but I don’t know what. It helps to have a back-up plan,” she spoke with that stressed out tone of hers. “Okay. What do you need me to do,” I asked. She simply responded, “give me hope.”

February 2065. I’ve been working on this secret project since early December. Sobeck had me relocated to Elysium and gave me a small team. A doctor, a biologist and two engineers. The doctor was none other than the woman who interviewed me. One Doctor Siri Rasheed. She was familiar with human anatomy and psychology, which worked well for me as I needed both. The biologist was Professor Kelsey Jones from the University of London. He’d been an expert in cell structure and the effects of freezing. He’d also done computer science in a former life hence his inclusion. The three engineers were three brothers – David, Harry and Milton Williams. David had been in the military years before as an engineer, but his knowledge on keeping things running no matter what had a reputation of it’s own. His one condition for working with me? His two brothers had to come with him. Not a bad deal as they were both engineers. Milton had even worked with Daniel in the past. How small the world really is I guess. With this team together, I had actually mad some real progress. We had prototypes tested on mice and rats. Only thing we could get. Mixed results. Apparently freezer burn was a problem and the subjects didn’t like it. Kelsey made a comment that I still remember to this day. He said, “This thing will make us immortal, but only if we don’t wake up.” He wasn’t far off. We wouldn’t be dead, but we wouldn’t be “alive” either.

The end of February came as did another visit by way of Sobeck. She had some spare time (a few hours in fact) and wanted to see how it was all going. “How is your project going,” she asked. “We’ve made more progress in the last three months than we have in the last three generations. I say progress is going well,” I responded. “That’s good. How far away from human testing are you?” I stuttered for a moment. “Human testing? We’re not quite there yet, even if we’re allowed to do that.” Sobeck looked at me like I was insane. “Of course you are. We need this to work. So long as your subjects volunteer for it of course,” she explained. The stress had over come her. She was looking gaunt. She hadn’t been eating or sleeping much. It appalled me that the smartest person I’ve ever known is being torn apart by the unstoppable forces behind her. After this visit, I went back to work.

“You know something,” Siri spoke with that beautiful Indian accent of hers. “What,” I asked. “I think we can mitigate the lack of stem cells by increasing adrenaline before we enter cryo,” she explained. We had problems with cell rupture and were trying to figure out. “Let’s give it a shot,” I agreed. Me and Siri had a thing going. It may of affected our working relationship. What can can I say, she was quite the gal. “What does Kelsey say?” Siri didn’t bother looking up to say, “Don’t know. I suppose i should go ask him to set up some experiments.” I didn’t know why, but something had happened that caused those two to avoid each other whenever necessary. Couldn’t replace either of them. I don’t think there could be anyone who would be able to replace them at all. “Don’t bother, I’ll do it. If you need me, I’ll be in his lab,” I said, getting up from my chair. She didn’t respond, more engrossed with her work than anything.

Walking towards the other lab occupied by my team, I decided to talk with the three brothers. They were currently working on a project that would allow us to survive off our own separate power grid. Elysium wasn’t built to last beyond 100 years, and the reactor installed showed just how little longevity was meant for the last home of the old world. Sure , it was reliable. Chances were that it would never fail given the proper maintenance. But it was only certified to last 150 years. If we were to have any hope of surviving the long passages of time, we needed our own power. Fortunately for us, Milton had a plan. “Hey boss, I have an idea about power,” he excitedly told me, “We already have a power source.” I was surprised. Normally it would take months to design a battery capable of running months, let alone the centuries we would need to sleep for. “And that would be….” Harry pulled out a small metallic cylinder. It looked vaguely like a battery, but seemed to be incredibly bulky and was the size of a large suitcase. On the one side there was an LED indicator completely lit up in green. “What is it,” I asked. “A fusion battery,” Milton shared excitedly,” basically a miniaturised fusion reactor. This puppy can power a city for an hour.” “Seriously, this thing can do all that?” I gave him a puzzled look. “We have access to about twelve of these things, though I know for a fact more exist,” David said. He had a rather brutish sound to his voice, most likely from years of heavy smoking and drinking. I asked, “where? Surly these things aren’t already available?” “You’re right. They’re not. Daniel Edwards had them designed for some special project he was doing which never panned out.” I heard Daniel was trying out some experiments, but why would he need these batteries? “What special project?” Milton didn’t know. Daniel didn’t give engineers the highest regard, liked to top day everything himself. “You said there were more?” David explained that there was only two dozen of the batteries in existence and that he knew that half of them were in Switzerland. Where the other half a dozen were was a mystery, as they had disappeared when Daniels pet project was shut down. I suspected he stole them. He wouldn’t be above that at all considering how ambitious he was.

After finishing with the brothers and dealing with Doctor Kelsey, I decided to send a message to Sobeck. I asked if it were possible to get these remaining batteries. On a more personal level, I asked if everything was alright with her. I was more than a little concerned about her health, and with things being the way they were it was important that she got enough sleep to work properly. She responded by saying she’d look into the fusion batteries. She wouldn’t go into details about her not sleeping, though I could tell by her tone that it wasn’t foremost on her mind. That bothered me that she wasn’t thinking about her own health. This woman helped raised me and it saddened me to see her suffer in the way she was.

August came around and we’d finally done it. The first fully functioning cryo-pod for a living human being had been built, tested and was in the process of being modified. The three engineers were absolutely certain they could modify it to make it more efficient, more reliable. I gave them two weeks. David said he could do it in one. I almost laughed. They’re good., though, I had to give them that. Sobeck had been here since February (?) but I was still giving her updates. But now she was giving us a visit, undoubtedly under the premise of ensuring Elysium was on schedule but really to see if the team had really done it. I set up an experiment involving both Siri and Kelsey after they practically begged to show off a demonstration to Sobeck. I told them it wasn’t necessary but she indicated she was somewhat excited to see the demonstration. It would be the start – and unfortunately end – of a new scientific field. Even in the backdrop of the war that had some meaning to us still. We were fighting against the inevitable with solid determination and unwavering ambition to survive this nightmare. The day came and Sobeck turned up in a very timely manner. “Are you absolutely sure it works,” she asked me. “Yes. Doctor Kelsey has spent the last two weeks inside one of the three prototypes and is scheduled to wake up today,” I explained. We entered the room designated as the cryo-room. It was a large room, the size of an auditorium. The three cryo-pods were on the opposite side of the room. Siri and Milton were hovering the one containing an unfortunately fully nude, covered only by the design of the cryo-pods door. Both me and Sobeck walked up. Siri came up to greet us. “We’re about to open the pod when you’re both ready,” she told us. Sobeck nodded at me confirming that she was ready to observe the procedure. “Do it. Just make sure to record everything,” I told her.

Milton sat down at the dedicated holo-face (holographic interface) for the cryo-pod and initiated the waking up procedure. The cryo-pod drained of the specialised liquid before pumping Kelsey full of the adrenaline needed to wake him up. Slowly, but surly, he began to wake up. Siri kept an eye on his vitals as the pods doors hissed open. “Procedure complete. Give us a moment and he’ll be on his feet,” Siri announced. I glanced back at Sobeck and realised that she actually looked speechless. “How’s his condition,” I asked. “He’ll be fine. Heart rate is normal, cognitive functions are normal, blood pressure is normal. Adrenaline is returning to normal so he’ll be fine. It was at this point Sobeck turned to me and said “how many of these can you make?” I was prepared for this. She always wanted to do what she could to save as many people as possible. But I was about to disappoint her. “Fifteen, maximum. Each one has one fusion battery and enough stasis liquid for 1,000 years. Any less and the redundant systems won’t work. The remaining three fusion batteries are redundancy and systems,” I explained, “which reminds me…” She looked at me concerned about what I was about to say. “Yes?” “I was hoping to put together a team to sleep out the next few hundred years….” Her eyes widened over this request. “You know I can’t spare anyone….” I interrupted her. “I wasn’t talking about someone from the Zero Dawn project. I mean from out there.” She almost choked out on that last part, before saying, “We need to speak in private.”

Ten minutes later and we were in my office, with her screaming at me. About how I needed to keep this quiet. I couldn’t save those on the front line and there were better qualified people who were in Elysium but not needed for Zero Dawn. I replied, rather sternly, that we didn’t know what the future would be like. I wanted a squad of EXPERIENCED soldiers off the frontline. They knew how to scrap machines better than anyone if it ever came to that. She said that it would be impossible. That’s when General Herres interrupted (via hologram of course). “Doctors,” he announced. Sobeck took a long look. “I’m guessing he called you here,” she annoyed at the general. “Yes, he did. And I think he has a point. As for his plan, I am fully prepared to take a squad off the front line if means saving some lives.” Sobeck looked at Herres and simply sighed in defeat. She couldn’t argue with his reasoning, or mine as a matter of fact. “Okay. I’ll allow it. But this needs to be done quietly. If anyone in Elysium hears about this,who knows what could happen,” she explained to me. “Okay. Then we’ll sneak them in. I already have an idea of the sort of squad I want, and will see to them personally.” This statement surprised both Sobeck and Herres, as if they expected me to devolve that responsibility. “What do you mean, you see to it personally,” Sobeck demanded to know. “I mean, with the generals permission, I will select the candidates myself and talk to them personally, even if it means going into the front line,” came my response, “I’ve already discussed my requirements with General Herres and he has provided me with a list of names. If all goes well, I’ll have a selection by the end of the month.” I saw the uneasiness in both of them. I half expected Sobeck to deny permission for me to move forward, but it was General Herres who spoke first. “Very well, I’ll have an escort for you in two days. Best I can do, which is better than most everyone.” Sobeck never said anything as my and the General made our plans.

The details of how I came to get the soldiers under my employ is…. difficult. As I said I would, I went as far as joining the frontline to secure the people I wanted. The things I saw I’ll never forget. You haven’t seen hell until you see a titan “harvest” an entire trench of people in order to refuel. Like a mid-air blender, but much worse. Scarabs and Kopesh all over the place. Good people were killed, if not worse. Oh god, it was the worst I had ever seen. Will ever see in my lifetime. The names of the men who joined the team don’t matter, as will become apparent. They played no further part in my journey other than that small time we had together.

January 15th 2066: The Wichita Defence in Kansas has collapsed. Elysium is on its own. Most everybody is already here, and the last few transports will be here in the next few hours. Whether they’ll make it is another thing entirely. I often wondered if I made the right call in the cryo-pods. I’d be leaving over 1,600 people to live out their lives as I slept into the future, never knowing their pain. I suspected many would end their lives in the first few years. Who wouldn’t in this tomb. By the time that the doors sealed themselves, everyone but me and Siri were in cryo-sleep. She was unsure about going in, whilst I couldn’t wait to see the new world. While she making final checks on the vitals of everyone, I was checking in on the computer systems that were meant to keep us alive. We didn’t have an AI, just a complicated series of computers. There were also two servitors that were designated to maintain the area in which the cryo-pods were staying. As far as I could tell, everything worked fine. The Williams Brothers knew what they were doing. After we both finished our final duties, me and Siri shared one final embrace. “Why do I get the feeling like we never going to see each other again,” she asked. “Relax, we sleep for a bit then spend the rest of our lives together. If Kelsey is to be believed, we won’t even notice the time difference. We’ll never feel time passing,” I tried to comfort her. She had been the most worried about the project. I didn’t share her views. “I know it’ll work, I just want to be safe about it,” she had repeated from a thousand different conversations. “I know, so do I,” I once again comforted. As we finished our embrace, we both prepared for the next stage of our journey. The process had been automated by Milton before he entered cryo, so all we had to do was get in. I looked Siri over one last time before getting in and being put to sleep by the machine that would allow me to enter the new world.

I woke up in what felt like was mere moments later. I fell to the ground, throwing up the liquid that had formed in my stomach. I was so busy with this task that I failed to see the empty cryo-pods where my friends had once been. One of the servitors came up to me and in its robotic voice told me, “remain calm, sir. You have been in cryo for far longer than expected.” I realised what she said and responded with, “How long were we out.” “You have been woken after numerous attempts. It has been 974 years since your entry into cry-sleep,” the robot explained. I threw up again. “The others have been awake for an unknown number of years.” That stopped me. “What do you mean, unknown number of years?” The servitor explained how the various members of the team, including the soldiers, had been awakened separately for the past 600 years. Siri had been awakened along side the three Williams brothers over 80 years ago. “How come I haven’t been woken up until know?” The machine replied with, “repairs to your cryo-pod have only just allowed it.” I checked the computer logs. When the reactor for Elysium shut down, somehow it caused an EMP blast damaged some of the systems that were meant to wake us up. I was alone. I looked around, seeing that there truly wasn’t anyone else around. I even checked out the rest of Elysium. All I found was corpses, a thousand years dead. Eventually, I managed to find the main door out of this metal tomb I found myself in only to find it open. Through the opening, I saw a hint of blue and green as the sun blinded me and I began to walk forward. My story was only about to begin.

Fan Fiction: Horizon: Saving Time #0: Prologue

Written By Connor Wyton

2039 – Harriet Choi, a follower of the Naysay cult, is arrested for a terrorist attack in multiple cities around the globe that kills thousands. He is arrested and the cult known as Naysay proceeds to collapse. Mass arrests follow, but a few members escape. They have no idea that the world will end in less than thirty years.

My father and Grandfather both had a dream. Cryonics, a fad that had died out in the 1990’s, was something they aspired to create. They dreamed of a future amongst the stars, where they could roam alien hills and look up at alien skies. But it was a dream cut short. There was a car crash when I was ten. This would have been in 54, I think. So much has happened since then. My mother was never in the picture, she passed away a year after I was born. I had no other family. Good thing for Auntie Liz, who took me in and taught me everything I knew. I wasn’t a dumb child, far from it. I was in Harvard by the time I was fifteen and had developed cooling systems for all sorts of machines. But that woman had an intellect that far surpassed my own, or indeed that of anyone I knew. I owe my very survival to that woman. In 2159, I went to Harvard to study Organic Systems and Bio-Mechanics and met a man I would come to call friend, if nothing else. His name was Daniel Edwards, a 21-year old student studying Spatial Physics (time/space studies, essentially) and Advanced Computer Systems. Odd enough choices, But I guess anything goes. Who was I to judge, I followed my fathers’ footsteps in studying Cryonics in my spare time. Made what I assumed was decent progress, though I later realised I was a long, long way off.

By 2059, Both me and David had graduated. He had gone off to Switzerland to work on the Hydron Collider. I decided to work at Miriam Technologies under Elizabet Sobeck. Yes, she was the one to take me in after my Father passed, odd how life works out in that way. But I wouldn’t be here if not for her. Due to my studies and my interest in Cryonics, she had me work on adapting robots to colder climates, including robots sent to work on what remained of Antarctica. Went here myself a few times. Remarkable placed if nothing else. Wonder what it’s like now? Anyway, There I stayed for the next five (?) years. It wasn’t as if I wanted to go anywhere else. I was perfectly content with my work and where I had ended up in life. A good job, with decent pay and security in my future. I dare anyone else to say if they needed more than that.

In November 2064, I woke up, did my morning business like everybody else. But the news was about as dire as it could possibly get. I’ve never met Ted Faro, never had the desire to. Sobeck wasn’t too flattering about him. Snake was what she called him, among less flattering terms, though I always suspected there was something underneath all that resentment. I digress. The news was…. disturbing. Some of the latest robots to come out of FAS had gone rogue and there was no way to shut them down. The military was calling for volunteers since the machines could also hack other machines. Worse, they seemed to “feed” of any form of life using the very system my adoptive mother had designed. A perversion of all she had worked for.

Hours after the news broke, two government types “escorted” me to a facility just outside Denver. I didn’t see Sobeck in person and had suspected her to be involved in some project in some form. I knew that if the people in charge had any sense would place her in charge of anything they were trying to do. I was correct. A couple of presentations later and everything was laid bare. Sobeck was in charge. The machines were going to completely wipe out all life. There was nothing we could do to stop it, just plan for the inevitable. But Sobeck had a plan, because of course she did. How could she not? She was aware of my continuing research into Cryonics, and decided that I could be of benefit. Cryonics, simply put, is the freezing of living people with the idea of reviving them later. I couldn’t do people, yet, but zygotes and embryos? That was more than possible. I was bought on to do that on a massive scale. In the interview following the two presentations, I knew exactly what I wanted. I had to survive this plague. There was so much more that I wanted. A family, old age. I wanted to explore the world and I had wasted what little life I had on what? Ice and dirt. I formulated a plan quickly. Before I was “escorted” to Zero Dawn, I knew that whatever project they wanted me to take part in, family wouldn’t be considered an option. Travis taught me a lot about computers and I hacked my medical files to suggest I wasn’t capable of anything. If someone asked too many questions, well, I knew people at the top.

And that’s how my story started. I swore to myself that it would not end there. The next two years were the most important of my life, though I have had many since. My journey across time was a slow one, the long way round. But it was worth it.

Police report, missing persons,January 22nd 1987

Los Angeles Police Department

Missing Persons Report

Name: Taylor, John Michael

Age: 52 Years Old

Race: White

Nationality: Polish/American

Political Aff.: Republican

Occupation: Detective, LAPD

Notable Features: None

Date: 22/01/1987

Reported by: Landis, John Harry

Occupation: Detective, LAPD

Note: Detective Taylor has been missing for several days, but is believed to have gone missing on the 18th of this month. His partner on the Homicide Squad, one Detective Landis, reported him missing after a failure to appear at work and after discovering the residence of Taylor in an increasingly disorganised mess. Forensics took a look at said residence and found strange substances that are not believed to be drug related. Unusual amount of blood found nearby, but is believed to be from multiple people. Also of note, a cross was found carved into the front door. No follow up is expected, Detective Landis has been redeployed to NYPD. Forensics know the drill. Class 3-A event.

Diary Entry: Det. John Taylor, LAPD Homicide

January 14th 1987: New day, new case. Same old murder. Almost. Guy found with his head stuck on another victims body. Don’t know where that head is, or where the guys dick is. Some real sick fucks in this town, not anything I haven’t seen before though. Nothing surprises you after ten years in homicide.

January 15th 1987: Another pair of bodies. Same deal as yesterday. Fucking seriel killers. Got a lead though. The bodies were found on Angel Street and some whore saw the guy. He’s not even trying to hide, or perhaps he’s dumb enough to think whores don’t talk. I always get them to talk. Said she saw the fucker go into the sewar. I hate my job sometimes. Going in tomorrow.

January 18th 1987: I got lost. Saw the guy down there, chased him, lost him. Place is like a fucking maze. Doesn’t feel right though. Something about the guy didn’t feel right. I don’t feel right.

January 19(?) 1987/8????: What year is it? What day is it? Why do I hurt?



August 15th 2014: Finally got to the camping site. The mountain is beautiful and the forest is something else entirely. Everybody was telling me to avoid this place after those kids came here, but I don’t believe any of it. I got to find my brother. I still don’t know who would believe some crazy bitch who killed her boyfriend anyhow.

August 16th 2014: Hey, I found that abandoned house those kids were talking about! I didn’t know I was so close. It was supposed to be miles away from the campsite, but I guess it doesn’t matter now. What’s funny is that they’re camp is still here after all these years. There’s a lot of equipment here. Even if that bitch did kill my brother, why would she leave it all here?

Just left that other campsite. It was giving me the creeps. Had a proper look around for any of my brothers’ stuff, but strangely couldn’t find any. I just know it’s the right campsite as I have found a journal belonging to Harry. I guess he didn’t have time to write in it cause there isn’t anything said about the day after they got here. Was he in on it? What about Penny? Something doesn’t feel right about this place.

August 21st 2014: Last couple of days have been uneventful. I have seen some sign of a animal that I don’t recognise. Actually, I have seen sign for two weird animals, but I think they’re the same species. The one is slightly larger than the other. I haven’t seen much in the way of other wildlife though. I have been hunting in these forests for years, and I would normally expect to see a deer or two by now. It’s weird.

August 22nd 2014: I’m being watched, I’m sure of it. I’ve had a feeling since my first night here, but I just chalked it up to being so close to where my brother disappeared. But now I’m sure I’m being watched. A glimmer of yellow eyes here, an odd sound there. I spent the first half of today searching all over the place, with the exception of that campsite. But I’m scared to go out too far. I’ve the rest of today close to my campfire. I’m going to check out the abandoned house tomorrow.

August 25th 2014: I saw something I shouldn’t have. I went back to the house yesterday and stayed overnight. There was something there. I can’t e

August 27th 2014: I’m not going to make it. I understand that now. They knew I was coming. They saw I would never leave. I’m not going to leave. Goodbye.

The Wendigo and the Girl

Daisy was your typical twenty year old tom boy. Boisterous, loud and outgoing, she was friends with pretty much everyone in the small little town in which she lived. Especially with Tom, Harry and Penny. The group of four were inseparable by any standards. And Daisy was always the ringleader whenever they got into trouble, which they always did. Tom had always been the cause, the little shithead he was, and Daisy always pushed him to do so with as much glee as she could muster. They had known each other since kindergarten. Harry was the youngest out of the group at only sixteen years of age, and had a clear crush on Daisy. Daisy was aware, but she was too busy fawning over Penny to care. That relationship between Daisy and Penny rocked the little conservative town they all called home. And for the first few months, it’s anyone would talk about. Whenever the group would go on one of their monthly camping trips, everyone would talk about what the two girls would get up to. A total scandal. Ultimately it all died down, as things end to do. Within a year, everything went back to normal.

The four friends had a monthly get together that involved camping. The town in which they lived was surrounded by 400 square miles of pine barrens. The group would often hike into the forest and just stay there for several days. August 2017 was no different. All they had to do was decide where they had to go in the massive forest. The friends did what they always did and met up at the local park. “Why don’t we do what we did last year and go to the creek,” offered Tom. He enjoyed climbing up the walls, jokingly screaming as he did. “Nah, there’s somewhere else I want to go. You guys ever hear of the Jersey Devil,” Penny said with all seriousness, “because there is an abandoned house out there where the Devil is supposed to live.” Daisy gave Penny a faint smile and responded with a “That sounds like a great idea. Let’s do it.” Tom didn’t bother pushing his idea, as he knew Harry would do whatever Daisy wanted to do. It was almost pathetic.

Within days, the group was heading out to the abandoned house with all their gear. They would drive until they were as close as they could get with the truck, park it and then hike the rest of the way. In addition to their usual camping gear (two tents, cooking supplies and two hunting rifles and sleeping bags), they took a cooler with beer and their custom water canteens. They had a habit of refuelling from local water sources. They journey took longer than any of them thought it would and Tom had even complained that the house didn’t even exist before they got there. Even then, the sun was setting, so the group had to hurry to get the tents up.

After settling in, Daisy decided to get the beers out (they had more in the truck if they needed any) while Tom and Harry got a fire going. Penny had managed to bring her phone and a Bluetooth speaker and had some songs downloaded on her phone, though she had developed an obsession with an old British girl band called Girls Aloud, so chances are that the music wouldn’t be played. Penny had also bought some food with her so it all worked out in the end. After the fire got strong and the music had annoyed everyone, they decided to tell some scary stories. “… and that’s when Bigfoot attacked!” Tom shouted. Harry let out a dull moan, seemingly bored at the story. “What, my stories ain’t good enough for ya,” Tom bellowed at the kid. “Yeah, something like that. Why do you keep telling the same story over and over again? Every time we go camping, you tell the exact same story.” It always seemed to everyone that Tom and Harry loved to complain to each other about each other. Tom responded with an overconfident “I personally enjoy telling the story.” “So, Penny, excited to explore the house tomorrow?” Daisy was trying to change the topic. “Yeah, it’s going to be fun,” came the cheery reply. Penny loved horror stories. Anything that went bump in the night piqued her interest. “If we encounter the Jersey Devil, I’m going to squeal with excitement,” came the mocking from Tom. Harry joined in with a “or maybe we’ll see Bigfoot” and both of them proceeded to laugh and joke over a few more beers, unaware of the presence watching them.

The following morning, the group woke up to an unsettling site. The two tents they were in were untouched, but there were footprints all over the place. Tom had followed the footprints from the left side of the house all around the tents and finally re-entering the forest at the right side of the abandoned building. The footprints looked like a person, but the toes of the prints seemed…. disjointed, elongated. It spooked the hell out of everyone. “These are really creepy,” Harry finally aired out, “did any of hear anything last night?” “No, I didn’t hear anything at all,” was Penny’s answer. Daisy confirmed that with a quick “I didn’t hear anything either.” Tom didn’t respond immediately. Instead he seemed to have drifted off, staring coldly into the forest in front of him. Tom turned to him and caught his attention with a loud, sharp “TOM!” Tom turned around and looked at the others and said “I woke up last night. I heard that thing.” A look of confusion came over the others. That thing? “What do you mean you heard that thing,” Daisy asked with slight hesitation. Tom stared at her and said “whatever made those footprints. It walked around the camp, like it was looking for something. Then I heard a wolf in the distance and it ran off.” Tom had a concerned sound in his voice. Like he was scared. “It was probably just someone playing a trick on us. My brother probably got here after us…” Harry suggested before being shrugged off by Penny. “How would they get here though, your brother doesn’t drive and neither do any of his friends. Beside, who would be dumb enough to come all the way out here in the middle of the night.” Daisy for her part agreed with Tom, not wanting to believe the alternative.

After a silent thirty minutes where the group ate breakfast, Penny suggested they explore the house. That was, of course, they were here in the first place. “I don’t feel like it,” Tom sighed, never looking from his cup of coffee. Daisy could see a defeated look on his face. “How much sleep did you get last night,” Daisy asked. She could tell that whatever happened the previous night shook him deep. “Plenty, just… fine.” “Alright, I’ll go with you Penny, Harry, could you stay here with Tom please?” Daisy was always good at knowing what needed to be done. “Thanks, but I don’t need anyone to stay with me,” Tom replied. “I know, but I would feel better about it if there was someone here with you,” Daisy expressed with a quiet concern. Tom simply nodded with acceptance, and Harry sat next to his close friend. For all their arguing and shit talking, Daisy new that they were as close as two people could be. “Ok, let’s go Penny.” Penny simply responded with “Two girls in a dark abandoned house? What could possibly go wrong,” before a smirk appeared on her face.

The two guys looked on as both Penny and Daisy walked around the house. Surprisingly, the front door and ground door windows were all blocked up with sturdy boards. They had figured it would be easier to look around the house first before attempting to get in. Even more surprisingly, the back door, or where the back door had once been, was wide open. The gaping hole led to what felt like an inescapable black void that was the interior of the house. It didn’t faze either of the girls, as they both had flash lights with them. Turning them on, they both walked into the house. The first room they entered was an old kitchen. It looked like something you saw out of those old Victorian style kitchens. Strangely, beneath all the years of grime and dust, the entire room looked untouched. It gave off a spooky vibe, which both the girls loved. The creepier the better. “That’s a lot of dirt,” Penny added to s silent conversation between the two girls. “Yeah, don’t touch anything,” Daisy added. “Don’t worry, I won’t,” came the response.

The two girls moved through the house, leaving the kitchen and passing through a hallway. On their right was a column of stairs leading up. On the left were two more doorways. The one closest to the kitchen turned out to be just a storage closet with nothing inside. The other door at the front of the house led to the living room. Like the kitchen itself, the living room looked as though it had been untouched since the Victorian age, with the addition of decades of dust and dirt. In the corner there seemed to be some old toys, lie the sort you would give to children. Penny checked it out as Daisy stood at the door, uneasy about going inside. This house was making her uneasy and she wasn’t sure why. “This place is starting to creep me out a little,” Daisy said cautiously. She didn’t want to appear too nervous in front of the clearly excited Penny, who merely responded with a sly “Scared already?”

Outside, Tom was looking a little worse for wear. He had started to wake up a bit more despite the lack of sleep he had the night prior, but that was most likely due to the three cups of coffee he had. “You feel like eating something Tom,” Harry asked. He was, as he should’ve been, worried about his friend. Despite sharing a tent, Harry hadn’t heard anything last night and certainly wasn’t woken up by anything. “Yeah, sure. Why not,” came the tired response via Tom, “You got any bacon?” Harry looked into the cooler bag they bought along with all their food for the next few day. He very quickly found the bacon. “Yeah, we got bacon. I’ll put some on for both of us,” Harry said. “Sound. Should we put some on for the girls?” Harry responded with “Nah, they’ll sort themselves out soon enough.”

Pretty soon the smell of bacon was in the air. It recognised the smell from a former life it could barely remember and also remembered that the smell belonged to food. Pretty soon it was on the move.

Penny and Daisy had left the downstairs and had now moved to the first floor of the house. There was a second set of stairs leading to another floor above them, but Daisy insisted on looking in the bedrooms first. Nothing sexual, but that odd feeling that something wrong kept bugging her. “If you want me in bed, you gotta find somewhere cleaner than this,” joked Penny. Half distracted, Daisy simply responded “I thought you liked dirty?” Both girls cracked a smile as the reached the last room on the floor. The previous three rooms were all bedrooms. The last one had to be the bathroom, which both girls were eager to check out. Both girls wanted to know if there was anything interesting in there, considering the rest of the house. Opening the door, they were disappointed to find nothing. There was a mess all over the floor, with what looked like a toilet along the opposing side of the room. “Well, this is boring. There’s nothing in here,” sounded a very disappointed Daisy. “Well, there’s another floor, why don’t we check if there’s anything interesting there?” Penny was being optimistic, but she knew that there wasn’t anything up there that would interest either one of them.

Going up the stairs led to an attic. It was a large space that was almost empty save for a strange pile of leaves in the middle of the floor. “Well that wasn’t what I expected,” Penny said, mildly confused about what she was seeing. The leaves were set out in such a way as to make a bed. What made it even creepier is that the usual dirt and grime that had been left untouched around the rest of the house had been clearly disturbed all around the mysterious pile. “What the actual fuck!” Both girls shouted this in unison. Any curiosity that they had disappeared almost instantly and they decided to get out of there. As they turned around, they heard a blood curdling scream that sound like it was a long way off. In a panic, they decided to run out of the house as quickly as possible.

NO! The spirits were louder than they had been in a while. So loud as to cause pain. It let out a scream. Yes, scream. That’s all you’re good for. The spirits were callous. But the hunger, the insatiable hunger, was too much. Still, it continued. Towards the smell. Towards home. Towards food.

As that scream violently penetrated the forest, jolting both the guys from their cooking. Tom stood up and faced, with no small amount shock, in the direction of the scream. Within moments, both Daisy and Penny ran out of the abandoned house, just as another blood curdling scream shattered through the forest. “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT,” screamed Tom, the most panic stricken of them all. “Daisy, we should get out of here,” Penny cried. Daisy looked around. Something was off, her Navajo blood was boiling. All she knew was that they needed to get out of there quickly. “Grab the rifles and what you can carry. Don’t bother with the tents or cooler, they’ll only slow us down,” Daisy said in a commanding voice. No one spoke as they followed her lead. Harry and Daisy grabbed the two rifles they bought with them. Penny grabbed a rucksack and filled it with some of the food from the cooler. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but she wanted to know that they would be OK if something happened. Keeping that in mind, she also grabbed the first aid kit that the group bought with them. Ten minutes later, the group was on the move. It would take them about three hours to get to the car. Tom had yet to calm down and Penny was trying her best to calm him down. Daisy was up front and Harry was at the back, both of them were carrying guns. They weren’t that far from the car now, maybe 30 minutes. For the past hour, they had heard something following them and Tom had broken down several times and tried to flee into the forest. Daisy was sure that whatever it was had followed them from the camp, but was only now making its presence known. “How much further” Harry shouted from the back. “Not much,” came the response from the front. Daisy wasn’t sure what was chasing them, despite having hunted in these forests with her father for years. Before she could think anymore on what was chasing them, something jumped out of the bushes next to Tom and Penny. It was on top of Penny. Tom had flee’d into the forest, screaming in a panic. “WHAT THE HELL!!!,” shouted Harry, trying to line up a shot. “NO, DON’T SHOOT! YOU’LL HIT PENNY,” Daisy screamed back. She pulled out a hunting knife and fought the thing off. It skulked behind a tree as Daisy helped Penny up. Before Daisy could get a decent look, whatever it was ran off in the same direction as Tom. She instead looked at penny, who was clearly injured and covered in blood. “Harry, get Penny to the car, I’ll get Tom.” Harry didn’t hesitate for a second and the pair rushed off to the car as Daisy ran after Tom.

It was hungry. It was hunting. It was hungry.

Tom kept running. He had to get away from it before it got to him. He wasn’t thinking. He heard it chasing him, it was gaining on him. He couldn’t scream or shout out for help. Maybe if he got back to the camp he could barricade himself into the house.

Daisy had a feeling that Tom was getting back to the house. Rushing back there, she was relieved to blindside Tom as they both reached the halfway point towards the house. “Tom, you’re OK,” Daisy smiled at the thought that her friend was safe. “I don’t know where that thing is! It was chasing me, but I lost it at the river! We need to hurry before it comes back,” Tom gasped, trying to breath as he spoke. “Don’t go into the house,” screamed Daisy. She instinctively knew that the thing was in there, waiting for its prey. “But we have to, it’s the only safe place here,” Tom screamed. He was overcome with fear. “We need to get to the road, we need to get to the car,” Daisy commanded with a false confidence. “What about that thing – we can’t just…,” Tom stuttered before Daisy cut him off. “We can’t stay here otherwise that thing will get us. Penny and Harry are already at the car, we need to get there quick.” Grabbing his arm, Daisy started running back to the car with tom, who had a rather dumbfounded look on his face.

It had them. It were almost there. It had known. It’s hunger was growing. It was following the one that ran. It had lost the one that ran when it crossed the flowing water. The hunger was driving it insane. It must eat. It was hungry.

Penny and Harry had gotten to the car with Penny getting into the drivers seat. “They need to hurry up,” Penny said, finally calming down from all that was happening. “Yeah, but if they’re not here soon, we going to have to go find help,” Harry told her, worried more abut hi friends than he was about himself. Penny didn’t say anything and just looked out the drivers side window.

Tom ran for his life, unsure of where he was going or whatever was chasing him. His legs moved on their own, giving confidence through the unyielding pushing that Daisy provided. Daisy herself was quietly scared of whatever was out there. She didn’t say anything, though, as to not scare Tom into another panic. She was certain that they weren’t far from the car, but had an awareness that it was around. They entered a little clearing and stopped.

It was there. It was in front of them. It was HUNGRY!

The slender grey mass jumped towards Tom. Daisy raised her gun and shot it mid-air. It was drivelling as it stared them down. For a moment, Daisy thought she saw something slightly human about it, before any trace of such humanity disappeared from view. It jumped again and Daisy shot it again. “RUN TOM!” Daisy demanded of Tom, who simply stood in fear and shock. His eyes were wide open, mouth gaping and it sounded like he was gasping for breath. The thing jumped again and knocked Daisy back about ten feet with a surprising amount of strength. Grabbing a hold of Tom, lifted him over its’ shoulder and ran into the thick forest. “TOM!” Daisy echoed into the void. She ran after him, not thinking about the consequences.

Harry and Penny had been waiting for so long that it had gotten dark. Penny decided it was smart to get help, so started driving off, much to the dismay of Harry, who wanted to get out and search. However, both were in a shock as just a mile up the road was Daisy, bloodied and clearly injured. She was just standing in the road. Stopping the car, both Harry and Penny jumped out to help their friend. Daisy was in clear shock, unable to speak and didn’t even appear to be aware of her friends presence. “Daisy! Daisy,” Penny tried to get her girlfriend to talk, but Daisy just stood there, silent. The that same blood curdling scream from before penetrated the air. “Get her in the car,” Harry said. Harry decided he was going to drive seeing that Penny was too distracted to do so. As they climbed back into the car and drove off, they were unaware of the two sets of glowing eyes watching them from the dark forest….

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