Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Three

AO3 link (for easier reading): https://archiveofourown.org/works/56595415/chapters/144768274 “He still refuses to accept your proposal,” the Blameless Marad asked rhetorically, “It’s a shame really. He’s the best chance we have of getting it to work.” He’d moved so silently Avad hadn’t realized he was being approached until the man had spoken top him. As was typical ofContinue reading “Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Three”

Skinwalkers Vol 2, Chapter Three

This story takes place in 1987, back when me and my family lived in a small town in Nevada. I was only ten at the time, old enough to be smart enough to think of all the dumb things a kid to do and stupid enough to at least attempt many of those dumb ideasContinue reading “Skinwalkers Vol 2, Chapter Three”

Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Two

AO3 (for easier reading): https://archiveofourown.org/works/56595415/chapters/144375634 Ersa waited for the Carja convoy to pass by the last line of explosives before she gave the signal to proceed. The war against the Carja had taught her patience, a skill she had long since perfected and added to an ever growing deadly arsenal. She could hear the arrogantContinue reading “Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Two”

Skinwalker Stories, Vol.2 Chapter Two

This just happened last week, so it’s still fresh on my mind. I live out in Montana on my ranch that’s been owned by my family for some six generations. Actually, my family was the one who first made the ranch back in 1871 and were prominent supporters of Montana becoming a state. It’s actuallyContinue reading “Skinwalker Stories, Vol.2 Chapter Two”

Cabin Fever

This story was sent in by someone who wishes to remain anonymous: This takes place five years ago, right after I married my wife. It started the night we arrived at our cabin near one of the many lakes in Canada. For privacy reasons I won’t say where, since most of my inner circle knowContinue reading “Cabin Fever”

Horizon: Liberation – Chapter One

Link to AO3 for easier reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56595415/chapters/143847463 [This work is not endorsed or officially supported by Guerrilla Games or Sony, who own all rights. No money was earned for the work produced.] “I think we lost them,” Takiv attempted to say as he struggled to catch his breath. The two brothers stood for a moment,Continue reading “Horizon: Liberation – Chapter One”

Skinwalker Stories Vol. 2, Chapter One

Story One: As a retired Police Officer, I have my own collection of weird stories that I have until now refused to share with anyone. The following story may seem unbelievable, but I can assure you it really happened. It’s important to set the scene for those unfamiliar with it. At this point in timeContinue reading “Skinwalker Stories Vol. 2, Chapter One”

Skinwalker Stories #29

Note from editor: The stories below contain the names of individuals. For the sake of privacy and anonymity, names have been changed or omitted. Story 1: I learnt a long time ago that Skinwalkers are not something to be trifled with. Quite the opposite in fact. They are terrifying and dangerous. My encounter happened inContinue reading “Skinwalker Stories #29”

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