Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Three

AO3 link (for easier reading): https://archiveofourown.org/works/56595415/chapters/144768274 “He still refuses to accept your proposal,” the Blameless Marad asked rhetorically, “It’s a shame really. He’s the best chance we have of getting it to work.” He’d moved so silently Avad hadn’t realized he was being approached until the man had spoken top him. As was typical ofContinue reading “Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Three”

Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Two

AO3 (for easier reading): https://archiveofourown.org/works/56595415/chapters/144375634 Ersa waited for the Carja convoy to pass by the last line of explosives before she gave the signal to proceed. The war against the Carja had taught her patience, a skill she had long since perfected and added to an ever growing deadly arsenal. She could hear the arrogantContinue reading “Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Two”

Horizon: Liberation – Chapter One

Link to AO3 for easier reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56595415/chapters/143847463 [This work is not endorsed or officially supported by Guerrilla Games or Sony, who own all rights. No money was earned for the work produced.] “I think we lost them,” Takiv attempted to say as he struggled to catch his breath. The two brothers stood for a moment,Continue reading “Horizon: Liberation – Chapter One”

Fallout 4: Commonwealth Steel – Part Nine/Epilogue

“Hey Blue, got a minute,” Piper asked as she poked her head into Nate’s office. “Of course Piper, I always have time for you.” She slightly recoiled when he said that, just enough for Nate to notice. “Just wanted to check in, see how you were holding up.” “I’m alright Piper. In fact, I’ve neverContinue reading “Fallout 4: Commonwealth Steel – Part Nine/Epilogue”

Fallout 4: Commonwealth Steel – Part Eight

Part Eight Paladin Danse arrived back at the Cambridge Police Station, surprised that Elder Maxson had already arrived. “Sir,” Danse saluted, “I wasn’t expecting you so soon!” “At ease Danse,” Maxson said with mild anger, “Where is Paladin Roe!” “Dead sir. He fell during the battle at the Castle.” Maxson became visibly angry upon hearingContinue reading “Fallout 4: Commonwealth Steel – Part Eight”

Fallout 4: Commonwealth Steel – Part Two

The Commonwealth had begun a slow change into something more than it had been. For over a hundred years it had been pillaged by the Institute, held back by the shadowy organization so it could take what it wanted whenever it wanted. But now the Minutemen were in charge and the Institute was gone, leavingContinue reading “Fallout 4: Commonwealth Steel – Part Two”

Fallout 4: Commonwealth Steel – Part Three

Nate left Diamond City merely hours after the election had been called. By now the sun had already set, though if that bothered him in any way he didn’t show it. Nate just wanted to avoid the fanfare his sudden leaving would cause within the city. That was something that did bother him: Diamond City.Continue reading “Fallout 4: Commonwealth Steel – Part Three”

[FF] Fallout 4: The New Commonwealth [Part One]

The Commonwealth had begun a slow change into something more than it had been. For over a hundred years it had been pillaged by the Institute, held back by the shadowy organization so it could take what it wanted whenever it wanted. But now the Minutemen were in charge and the Institute was gone, leavingContinue reading “[FF] Fallout 4: The New Commonwealth [Part One]”

Fallout 4: Commonwealth Steel – Part One

It was finally over. The institute had been destroyed and the minutemen were victorious. The Commonwealth could now sleep easy at night now that people no longer had to worry about synths replacing them or their loved ones. “I can’t believe we actually did it,” Preston Garvey stated in disbelief, “The Institute has been theContinue reading “Fallout 4: Commonwealth Steel – Part One”

Fan Fiction: Star Wars: Clone Wars (Old Republic Era) #1

Sith Cloning Facility, Korriban, 4400BBY: Darth Tartarus and his apprentice looked upon the cloning facility with a sickening pride. Far from the Sith Academy, the clone facility had a singular purpose: the creation of a clone army. Tartarus had a particular disdain for droids. They were slow and stupid, often failing against the superior cloneContinue reading “Fan Fiction: Star Wars: Clone Wars (Old Republic Era) #1”

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