Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Two

AO3 (for easier reading): https://archiveofourown.org/works/56595415/chapters/144375634 Ersa waited for the Carja convoy to pass by the last line of explosives before she gave the signal to proceed. The war against the Carja had taught her patience, a skill she had long since perfected and added to an ever growing deadly arsenal. She could hear the arrogantContinue reading “Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Two”

Fan Fiction: Star Wars: Clone Wars (Old Republic Era) #1

Sith Cloning Facility, Korriban, 4400BBY: Darth Tartarus and his apprentice looked upon the cloning facility with a sickening pride. Far from the Sith Academy, the clone facility had a singular purpose: the creation of a clone army. Tartarus had a particular disdain for droids. They were slow and stupid, often failing against the superior cloneContinue reading “Fan Fiction: Star Wars: Clone Wars (Old Republic Era) #1”

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