Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Three

AO3 link (for easier reading): https://archiveofourown.org/works/56595415/chapters/144768274 “He still refuses to accept your proposal,” the Blameless Marad asked rhetorically, “It’s a shame really. He’s the best chance we have of getting it to work.” He’d moved so silently Avad hadn’t realized he was being approached until the man had spoken top him. As was typical ofContinue reading “Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Three”

Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Two

AO3 (for easier reading): https://archiveofourown.org/works/56595415/chapters/144375634 Ersa waited for the Carja convoy to pass by the last line of explosives before she gave the signal to proceed. The war against the Carja had taught her patience, a skill she had long since perfected and added to an ever growing deadly arsenal. She could hear the arrogantContinue reading “Horizon: Liberation – Chapter Two”

Horizon: Liberation – Chapter One

Link to AO3 for easier reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56595415/chapters/143847463 [This work is not endorsed or officially supported by Guerrilla Games or Sony, who own all rights. No money was earned for the work produced.] “I think we lost them,” Takiv attempted to say as he struggled to catch his breath. The two brothers stood for a moment,Continue reading “Horizon: Liberation – Chapter One”

Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #9: Killing of a Friend

I sat in the dark, contemplating the journey that led me to here, now. How did Daniel become such a monster? I guess it didn’t matter in the long term. He would arrive in just a few hours, though I wasn’t sure when exactly. He had to die…. But could could I really do it.Continue reading “Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #9: Killing of a Friend”

Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #8: Back to the Start

The battle between armies raged on as I did my best to focus on the task ahead. I was once again alongside Aloy as we attempted to enter the old facility. It had been extensively damaged, that was evident. But I was certain that the control room was intact. Hovid and Lowin were somewhere onContinue reading “Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #8: Back to the Start”

Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving #7: Chess Pieces

It took me a little over three weeks to get back to Meridian. I had to tell Blameless Marad of what I had learnt and do what I could to stop Daniel from what I thought he was doing. I was surprised to get there and see Lowin and Hovid already talking to the BlamelessContinue reading “Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving #7: Chess Pieces”

Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #6: Aloy and Co.

Protagonist’s Journal Entries: Day 89: It’s been 89 days since I left that Cryo-pod. Funny, isn’t it. My life is so radically different and I haven’t had time to process it. I bought a blank book meant for writing and fashioned some pens for writing. Maybe, if I put thoughts down on paper I canContinue reading “Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #6: Aloy and Co.”

Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #5: The Conflict Begins

Days into my training with the Carja and none of my questions had any answers. The last few weeks had been as confusing as it could get, and despite coming to my senses I was still trying to work it out. Not only was I trying to figure out why I was training as aContinue reading “Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #5: The Conflict Begins”

Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #4: Joining the Carja

It took us two days to get to Daytower, the official edge of Carja territory. The Carja had already set up a few camps in the no mans land in between both Carja and Nora land. But Daytower wasn’t just some collection of bedding and camp fires. It was a military fort, much like thoseContinue reading “Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #4: Joining the Carja”

Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #3: Nora Tribe

I woke up in a haze of confusion. I was no longer in the snow. Instead, it looked like a cabin, or a mud hut or maybe a cross between the two. I was having difficulty remembering how I got here or really anything that happened, though the pain in my side was a goodContinue reading “Fan Fiction: Horizon Zero Dawn Saving Time #3: Nora Tribe”

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