Skinwalkers Vol 2, Chapter Three

This story takes place in 1987, back when me and my family lived in a small town in Nevada. I was only ten at the time, old enough to be smart enough to think of all the dumb things a kid to do and stupid enough to at least attempt many of those dumb ideasContinue reading “Skinwalkers Vol 2, Chapter Three”

Skinwalker Stories, Vol.2 Chapter Two

This just happened last week, so it’s still fresh on my mind. I live out in Montana on my ranch that’s been owned by my family for some six generations. Actually, my family was the one who first made the ranch back in 1871 and were prominent supporters of Montana becoming a state. It’s actuallyContinue reading “Skinwalker Stories, Vol.2 Chapter Two”

Skinwalker Stories #8

Story 1: I never believed in skinwalkers until June of last year, when I had my own horrifying encounter. I was in Dallas, Texas visiting my ill grandfather shortly before his passing. Now, nothing odd happened when I was at the hospital but every time I was staying at his home (my grandfather spent hisContinue reading “Skinwalker Stories #8”

Skinwalker Stories #5

Story: This happened about five years back, when I was out camping with my girlfriend. We were staying at this campsite that was a popular hotspot for love-struck teens, but were lucky enough to have the campsite to ourselves for the most part. We spent the first two days hiking through the woods, something weContinue reading “Skinwalker Stories #5”

Skinwalker Stories #3

Story: I don’t have any family and am socially awkward, so every Christmas I stay at a a cabin I own just outside Robert Lee, Texas. I usually spend two weeks there every Christmas because I can’t stand all the festive bull that’s everywhere. Last year was no different. It’s important to note that IContinue reading “Skinwalker Stories #3”

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