Skinwalker Stories Vol. 2, Chapter One

Story One: As a retired Police Officer, I have my own collection of weird stories that I have until now refused to share with anyone. The following story may seem unbelievable, but I can assure you it really happened. It’s important to set the scene for those unfamiliar with it. At this point in timeContinue reading “Skinwalker Stories Vol. 2, Chapter One”

Police report, missing persons,January 22nd 1987

Los Angeles Police Department Missing Persons Report Name: Taylor, John Michael Age: 52 Years Old Race: White Nationality: Polish/American Political Aff.: Republican Occupation: Detective, LAPD Notable Features: None Date: 22/01/1987 Reported by: Landis, John Harry Occupation: Detective, LAPD Note: Detective Taylor has been missing for several days, but is believed to have gone missing onContinue reading “Police report, missing persons,January 22nd 1987”

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