The Tuesday Killer

Inspired by the true story of the Toy Box Killer Tuesday 7 th September, 2021 – 4:00pm:Kelly Graham stumbled through the grassy meadow, bloody and broken yet doing everything she could to get away from her prison. She could barely run, unable to feel her legs she somehow managed to find strength enough to keepContinue reading “The Tuesday Killer”

Killer Love: The widow of Luxembourg

Born in 1975, Jane Tyler is perhaps one of the least well known serial killers to come out of Luxembourg. Unsurprising, as the small country has done everything it can to suppress any information it can on this prolific murderer. The story will now be told here for the first time in this unofficial biography.Continue reading “Killer Love: The widow of Luxembourg”

A Perspective: Confessions of the Blacksmith Killer (Part 2)

I’ve been killing a long time. But I don’t just kill every now and again. I spoke before about months and years between killings – between my murders. But I’ve been killing almost non-stop since 2003. I actually take immense pride from it. I don’t rape my victims as much as I used to. I’mContinue reading “A Perspective: Confessions of the Blacksmith Killer (Part 2)”

A Perspective: A Confession by the Blacksmith Killer

Have you ever killed anyone? I have. It’s endlessly satisfying. The moment you can see their life drain from their eyes as the fear overcomes them, their failed attempts at screaming for help. What is your favourite type of murder? I’ve done it all. I’ve stabbed, shot, strangled. I once killed a child using acid.Continue reading “A Perspective: A Confession by the Blacksmith Killer”

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