Skinwalker Stories Vol 2, Chapter Four

I am being hunted by a Skinwalker. I’ll be quick as I don’t have long left, it’s outside right now trying to get in. I’ll start with the beginning. I live on an old strip of land that’s been untouched for as long as anyone can remember. It’s a three mile by two mile stretchContinue reading “Skinwalker Stories Vol 2, Chapter Four”

Skinwalkers Vol 2, Chapter Three

This story takes place in 1987, back when me and my family lived in a small town in Nevada. I was only ten at the time, old enough to be smart enough to think of all the dumb things a kid to do and stupid enough to at least attempt many of those dumb ideasContinue reading “Skinwalkers Vol 2, Chapter Three”

Skinwalker Stories, Vol.2 Chapter Two

This just happened last week, so it’s still fresh on my mind. I live out in Montana on my ranch that’s been owned by my family for some six generations. Actually, my family was the one who first made the ranch back in 1871 and were prominent supporters of Montana becoming a state. It’s actuallyContinue reading “Skinwalker Stories, Vol.2 Chapter Two”

The Tuesday Killer

Inspired by the true story of the Toy Box Killer Tuesday 7 th September, 2021 – 4:00pm:Kelly Graham stumbled through the grassy meadow, bloody and broken yet doing everything she could to get away from her prison. She could barely run, unable to feel her legs she somehow managed to find strength enough to keepContinue reading “The Tuesday Killer”

Immortal Warriors: Rebirth

[* All Devonians will be counted as female, although no such gender exists within the species. All Devonians are both male and female.] I spent a lot of time going from place to place. Most of my life in fact. My people were all dead, my family was dead and I had nowhere to go.Continue reading “Immortal Warriors: Rebirth”

A Most Peculiar Monster

Very few people imagine what monsters still lurk in the dark corners of the world. In fact, many believe that there are no monsters left to find. But for the brave few, finding the monsters they dare to imagine is something they strive for. Something can be said for those who can dedicate their livesContinue reading “A Most Peculiar Monster”

The Wendigo and the Girl

Daisy was your typical twenty year old tom boy. Boisterous, loud and outgoing, she was friends with pretty much everyone in the small little town in which she lived. Especially with Tom, Harry and Penny. The group of four were inseparable by any standards. And Daisy was always the ringleader whenever they got into trouble,Continue reading “The Wendigo and the Girl”

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